Category Archives: Hosting News and Blog

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Make Backups a Habit
One of the most painful aspects of web hosting is the number clients who don’t make regular backups of their own sites. If you are relying strictly on your most recent updates being available on your hosting plan’s server – than you are doing yourself a disservice and setting yourself up for potential disaster! Backups are the most important thing you should know about after purchasing your Powered By Fish hosting plan and launching your website. You never know what can happen to a server. Machines can fail. In fact, at some point every machine does – no matter how good your hosting provider is! Having a current and complete backup of your website is the only way to ensure you can be quickly back up and running after a potential issue. Your backup files themselves should be stored off-site – in a remote location. Your backup doesn’t do you any good if it’s stored on the same server that just crashed! We urge you to find a process, service or method that works well and is easy for you to perform. Make it a regular habit to backup your site and the databases that are associated with your site. […]
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Attract More Visitors to your Website
Business owners often ask how much traffic their website should be getting. The truth is there is no simple answer to this question. For example, if you run a small store in North Carolina, it would not be useful to compare your traffic to Amazon. Equally, there is a distinction between the traffic levels you could expect to receive on a Business-to-Business (B2B) website as opposed to those on a Business-to-Consumer (B2C) website. The goal of any business should not be to hit a specified traffic target. The most crucial goal is to always strive for more traffic, as long as it’s the right traffic. More qualified visitors means more conversions and, ultimately, more customers for your business. Often, a business will concentrate on search engine optimization (SEO) as a major source of traffic. By optimizing a website to fit a certain keyword, webmasters think they can trick Google, Yahoo, and Bing into giving them preferential search ranks. However, search traffic must ultimately come as the result of an “organic” process. By creating the best website in your industry with naturally occurring keywords, you will increase your search engine traffic and get more hits from links and leads – the […]
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