Spam Filter

Proven email protection

Protection from Spam, Viruses and Malware

What is a Spam Filter?

Email is the most important means of communication today. However, spam and viruses remain the most serious threats to productivity and resource efficiency in email communication. Cyber-criminals are motivated by financial gain, the challenge, ideology or simply mischief. Our anti-spam and virus filter from SpamExperts™ is a “must have” for every user that depends on email.

SpamExperts™ Incoming Email Spam Filter provides enterprise grade protection against inbound spam, viruses, phishing, malware, ransomware and other email-based threats. SpamExperts applies its proprietary self-learning smart technologies to filter all incoming email, eliminating spam before it reaches your inbox. Their unmatched spam intelligence is a direct result from processing millions of emails every second of the day. It applies continuous improvements in secure data collection and analyses, detecting new patterns and identifying derails instantly.

Become spam and virus free in less than 2 minutes! Protect your network against the latest threats and secure your inbox with SpamExperts Inbound Email Filtering today.

SpamExperts™ Incoming Email Filter:
$5 per month (or $60 per year).
Includes free setup and support.

The cure all your email ailments

SpamExperts Features

Protection From All Threats

Eliminate spam email before it reaches your inbox with our proprietary, predictive, self-learning technology. Our incoming email filtering system has a nearly 100% filtering accuracy rate to protect you from spam, viruses, phishing, and malware attacks.

Detect Threats Immediately

SpamExperts continuously collects and analyzes data to predict and instantly identify new spam outbreaks. This accumulated intelligence is shared real-time with all clients worldwide, ensuring timely protection against new threats and outbreaks.

100% Automated Filtering

Our SpamExperts spam filters are optimally configured and continuously updated. It learns from millions of emails processed daily and no user-intervention is required. All control options are readily available via a convenient control panel.

Increased Email Continuity

When your email server is unreachable, our system allows you full access to the emails stored in our queue until your email server is back online. This provides an uninterrupted service and helps prevent email from being lost or bounced back to the sender.

Save on Network Resources

SpamExperts helps customers reduce resource usage while providing monitoring and regular release cycles with new product functionality. Optimize resources and offload your support by implementing SpamExperts incoming spam filter.

Advanced Tools and Reports

SpamExperts offers a comprehensive log-search tool that provides the status of any email that passed through our systems. It has advanced quarantine options and periodic protection summery reports with direct release from quarantine options.


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A great domain name is at the core of every online business, blog, website, and ecommerce destination. Our domain names are available for term lengths from 1-10 years and include our unbeatable 24/7 client support, free setup, transfer assistance and no hidden fees. 

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